Peace Lily House Plant: I found the Perfect Indoor Air-Purifying Plant

Are you a nature lover? Do you love plants? Have you ever counted the number of House Plants in your house?  

Hello guys welcome to my blog. I am really happy, as I have finally got my perfect Indoor Air-Purifying Plant for my house today. It is called Peace Lilly and it comes with beautiful white flowers.   

When it comes to houseplants, the peace lily is one of the most popular plants. As it is a low maintenance plant. Those big white bracts and glossy green leaves adds more points to love it. But do you know apart from just being a showy houseplant, Peace Lily comes with a lot of benefits?  

It can absorb benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, xylene and carbon monoxide effectively, which was even proved in the famous NASA experiment. They filter more indoor pollutants than most other plants, so are great for bedrooms or other frequented rooms.  

Interestingly, when it comes to the meaning of the "Peace" part of its name this is down to the flowers with the white raised spathe looking like a white flag of surrender seeking peace. 
 It's a fairly cheap plant to buy and its enduring popularity means it can be found in almost every shop that sells houseplants. In fact I'd go as far as saying it's likely one of the top five most popular houseplants.  

The reasons why I love this plant is very obvious. Firstly, it is great for beginners as it's simple to care for with easy to follow care instructions. It will also help filter the surrounding air of various toxins. Oh and the best part is the beautiful and elegant appearance? With the striking contrast of the dark green foliage and the creamy white flowers held high on stiff stems it holds it's own well and looks attractive. 

A well-grown peace lily may bloom twice a year, resulting in several months of flowers. The plant has glossy oval leaves with points that emerge from the soil. If you are lucky enough then you can see your Peace Lily bloom twice an year which can happen only if you take a good care.  
Now, just in case you are in love with this plant already and wish to have one in your house too, I am adding a few easy hacks to keep your plant healthier for long. 

1. Proper watering: Depending upon the moisture level of soil the plant requires about three-time water a week. It is most important to note that the soil should be well-drained in order to avoid water-logging. 

2. Soil type: Soil preferentially with proper aeration is most important for peace lily growth. Sand and coco peat 1:1 ratio is best for peace lily planting. 

3. Cleaning of the leaf is necessary as the dust accumulation may cause leaf necrosis that is the leaf get damage or dry due to hindrance in photosynthesis. Therefore spraying water weekly or cleaning the leaf with the sponge keeps the plant more healthy. 

4. Indirect sunlight is required for the proper growth of peace lily. The complete dark place is not suitable for the plants as it causes pale pigmentation of the leaves. Direct sunlight is also not preferable for the plant. 

5. Houseplant fertilizers fortified with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N:P:K 20:20:20) is enough for a good growth. Water-based fertilizers should be used for peace lily. Proper irrigation is necessary after fortifying the soil with fertilizers for its uniform distribution. 

So, that's all for now. Let me know in the comment section below if you have any houseplant that purifies air. Also, share any stories related to these adorable houseplants. Till then stay healthy, keep planting! 


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